Terms & Conditions

Thank you for selecting the Software offered by Credyt. Please review these license terms (“Agreement”) thoroughly. This Agreement is a legal electronic agreement between you and Credyt.


This Agreement, including additional terms below and any content, updates, and new releases (collectively, the “Software”), is the entire agreement between you and Credyt and replaces all prior understandings, communications and agreements, oral or written, regarding its subject matter. If any court of law, having the jurisdiction, rules that any part of this Agreement is invalid, that section will be removed without affecting the remainder of the Agreement.


  1. The Software is protected by copyright, trade secret, and other intellectual property laws. You are only granted certain limited rights to use the Software and Credyt reserves all other rights in the Software not granted to you in writing herein.
  2. You acknowledge and agree that the Software is licensed, not sold. You agree not to use, nor permit any third party to use reproduce, duplicate, modify, copy, deconstruct, reverse-engineer, sell, trade, or resell the Software.
  3. You acknowledge and agree to not attempt unauthorized access to any other Credyt systems that are not part of the Software.


At Credyt we place the highest importance on respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. Our most important asset is our relationship with you. We want you to feel comfortable and confident when using our products and services and with entrusting your personal and tax return information to us.

Credyt will not share your personal or tax information with any other individual, company, or other organization unless obligated by law. However Credyt may use these information to give you a better experience and suggest you relevant products on this platform


  1. You are responsible for all materials (“Content”) uploaded, posted, or stored through your use of the Software. You are responsible for lost or unrecoverable Content. Credyt is not responsible for the Content or data you provide through your use of the Software.
  2. You agree that Credyt may use your feedback, suggestions, or ideas in any way, including in future modifications of the Software, other products or services, advertising or marketing materials.
  3. Credyt may, but has no obligation to monitor content on the platform. We may disclose any information necessary to satisfy our legal obligations, protect Credyt or its customers, or operate the Software properly.


  1. You may be offered other services, products, or promotions by Credyt (“Credyt Services”).Additional terms and conditions and fees may apply.
  2. Credyt may be required by law to send you communications about the Software. You agree that Credyt may send these communications to you via phone, direct messaging apps, email or by posting them on our websites.
  3. You are responsible for securely managing your password(s) for access to the Software and to contact Credyt if you become aware of any unauthorized access to your account.
  4. The Software may periodically be updated with tools, utilities, improvements or general updates to improve the Software. You agree to receive these updates.


  1. Your use of the platform and content is entirely at your own risk except as described in this agreement. The Software is provided “as is.” Credyt and its affiliates and suppliers do not warrant that the Software is secure, free from bugs, viruses, interruption, errors, theft, or destruction.
  2. Credyt is an automated income tax calculator that follows the Income Tax Ordinance of 1984. Credyt is not liable for any issues that arise due to tax miscalculation. We are highly confident in the tax accuracy of our product because it has been reviewed for accuracy by many tax lawyers and accountants, but this is ultimately still a beta product and is being tested and improved by our team and third party contributors continuously.
  3. Credyt, its affiliates and suppliers disclaim any representations or warranties that your use of the Software will satisfy or ensure compliance with any legal obligations or laws or regulations.


  1. Subject to applicable law, Credyt, their authorities are not liable for any types of damages. The above limitations apply even if Credyt and its affiliates and suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  2. Credyt reserves the right, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by Credyt in the defense of any claims.


  1. Credyt reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time, and the changes will be effective when posted on our website for the Software or when we notify you by other means. We may also change or discontinue the Software, in whole or in part. Your continued use of the Software indicates your agreement to the changes.


  1. Credyt may immediately, in its sole discretion, and without notice, terminate the Software if you fail to comply with this Agreement or if you no longer agree to receive electronic communications. Upon termination you must immediately stop using and delete or destroy all copies of the Software.


  1. Credyt follows the Bangladesh income tax law. This Ordinance may be called the Income-tax Ordinance , 1984.


  1. Any dispute or claim relating in any way to the Credyt Software or this agreement will be resolved by discussion.


  1. Credyt may provide the following or additional Services. You are responsible for providing, at your expense, any access to the Internet and any required equipment. Credyt may at any time change or discontinue any aspect, availability or feature of the Services.
    Prepared on: October 18, 2021